
Help! I'm Losing Muscle Mass

Oct 10, 2024

Help! I'm Losing Muscle Mass

Have you noticed your muscles aren't as strong as they used to be? You're not alone in this experience. Our bodies change over time, and one common shift is decreased muscle strength. While this is a natural part of aging, several factors can speed up the process. Fortunately, there are ways to slow or reverse muscle loss.

Heather Kennedy, PAC, and our expert team at Refine Medical in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, provide expert advice and tips for preserving and regaining strength.

What causes muscle loss?

Muscle loss, also called sarcopenia, typically starts around age 30 and accelerates after 60. But age isn't the only factor at play. A lack of physical activity, insufficient strength training, poor eating habits, and some health conditions can all contribute to loss of muscle mass. If you're not regularly using your muscles, your body might start to break them down.

Could my diet be a factor?

What you eat plays a big role in maintaining muscle. Protein is crucial for muscle health and growth. If you're not getting enough, you might see a decline in muscle mass over time. This can happen if you've cut back on calories intentionally or unintentionally, as your body needs the right nutrients to keep muscles strong. 

Also, low levels of specific vitamins and minerals, like vitamin D or magnesium, can impact how well your muscles work.

How to prevent further muscle loss

The good news is that you can often slow or reverse muscle loss by changing some habits. One of the most powerful tools is strength training. Lifting weights or using resistance bands helps build and maintain muscle. Try to do this at least twice a week, focusing on all major muscle groups.

Alongside exercise, ensure you eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Good protein sources include lean meats, eggs, dairy, and plant-based options like beans and tofu. 

If you're unsure about your diet, give us a call for help. Like in our weight loss programs, our providers can custom design a nutritional program that ensures your body gets the nutrients it needs to preserve muscle. 

When to schedule an appointment

We recommend scheduling an appointment if you're losing muscle quickly or unexpectedly. Some underlying health issues, hormonal imbalances, chronic conditions, or even certain medications could be contributing factors. Our team can help identify any hidden causes and create a plan tailored to your needs.

What treatments are available?

Sometimes, medical intervention might be necessary to halt muscle loss. Options like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or testosterone treatments could be considered, especially if your loss is linked to hormone deficiencies. We might suggest physical therapy or dietary supplements to support your muscle health.

Maintaining muscle mass is an ongoing process. With the right mix of exercise, nutrition, and medical guidance when needed, you can work towards keeping your muscles strong and healthy for years to come. 

Call our office or schedule an appointment online today to get started.